Physicians Corner

One of the things that matters most to our organization is providing the best possible care for your patients. Our mission includes continuously looking for new ways we can improve our quality of care.

To ensure we understand and provide the highest quality of care possible, we participate in the Focus On Therapeutic Outcomes, Inc. (FOTO®) network of outcomes measurement. FOTO® provides an external standardized, comparative database management and reporting service. By measuring our performance against providers all over the country, we can identify our strengths and improve on areas in need.

What does this mean for your patients? FOTO® outcomes measures provide a way to assess the effectiveness and efficiency of our rehabilitation services. Here is how FOTO® outcomes will benefit you:

  • We can provide a risk-adjusted comparison of our level of quality and value to other providers of similar medical rehabilitation services.

  •  We can provide a comparison of the level of functional improvement for each patient at discharge and the efficiency of the care as compared to similar, risk-adjusted patients seen by other medical rehabilitation providers.

  •  We can provide you an outcomes report for your individual patients.

 It is our intention to use FOTO® data to manage individual patient episodes. We will be able to achieve this through improvement in clinical practice, as well as in the design of continuing education for our staff.

We greatly appreciate your referrals, and I assure you that we will continue to do all that we can to be worthy of your support. Please call me if you have any questions about our FOTO® outcomes measurements.


Physical Therapy of Jackson